The character of population is defined thought the culture of one nation. In this way, two different cultures can be represented as Brazil and Belgium. The two countries are geographically far and presents different kind of weather. Specially to be localized in different regions of the globe, the countries presents particular specifies like spoke language, corporate culture and behavior during the dinner and entertainment.
In respect to the spoke language, Brazil is different from Belgium. While the Brazilians speak only Portuguese, the Belgians speak Dutch, French and German. If you have any doubts about which language to use, it is possible to Belgians speak in English. However, in special moment in Brazil is also possible speak in English too.
The corporate culture or business behavior of the population in both countries are different. In Brazil, for instance, be punctuality is common, but is acceptable too come late for the meetings. On the other hand, in Belgium, it is not acceptable that a person come late for business meeting. When it happens, is necessary that the person presents a good explanation about the delay. Other point is that common in Brazil the executives meeting at night to discussion business. In contrast, in Belgium is not acceptable invite businessperson at home, unless in a emergency moment.
Other topic that the both cultures differs is about dining and entertainment time. Although the Brazilians like to speak and laugh loudly, the Belgium tends to be more easy going. The Belgium in general are more polite, while the Brazilians tends to be more funny. Because of this, the Belgium are know as compromised and balanced people.
In fact, nations presents different cultures. In this way, nations like Brazil and Belgium presents much different in used languages, corporate culture and behavior in dinner and entertainment time. In general, Belgians tends to be more polite and Brazilian more funny. But, I believe that the Brazilians in future will tend to be more serious too because the importance that the country is receiving in the global scenario.
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